
Սիրելի ընթերցող, եթե դուք ոչ մի առնչություն չունեք կապված տրանս* թեմայի հետ և թշնամաբար եք տրամադրված խնդրում ենք լքել այս էջը: Շնորհակալություն:

Զգուշացում, բլոգը պարունակում է վիրահատական նկարներ, եթե դուք չեք տանում արյուն, բաց վերքեր, ապա խնդրում ենք ձեզ զերծ մնալ նման նկարների դիտումից, խուսաբել "Վիրահատություն" թեմայից, կամ պազրապես լքել այս էջը:

Monday, May 18, 2009

The transsexualité is going to stop being a mental illness in France

AP ¦ 16.05.2009 ¦ 19:22

Roselyne Bachelot wanted a " strong signal " on the eve of the international Day against the homophobie, on May 17th: his ministry confirmed on Saturday the referral to a court of the High authority of the Health ( HAS) to remove the transsexualité of the classification of the mental illnesses.

The exam of the file by the HAS should result, eventually, in a decree officializing the déclassification of the transsexualité of the long-term psychiatric disorders (ALD23). To the ministry, we clarified that it is henceforth a question of creating a new "dedicated" category, because the transsexualité " will remain provided with medical care ", the measure not meaning that there will be desolation of the coverage of the necessary medical care, as it was clarified.

The ministry evokes a " strong signal " and a " first crossed step ", reminding that Roselyne Bachelot was already " clearly positioned above ".

The associative environment greeted this measure, revealed by "Liberation", and wished that henceforth the OMS (world Organization of the Health) follows close in France.

The Collective against Homophobie congratulates himself in a communiqué of a " historic decision " and a " decisive stage " for the transgenres persons, who " will not be any more stigmatized and not considered by France as mental patients ".

" He is time at the moment, to pass of the symbol in the concrete acts, by fighting against the violence and the discriminations which press on trans ", adds Homosexuality and Socialism ( HES). On the subject of the " concrete acts ", she emphasizes at first, as all the associations, the softening of rules for the changes of registry office or the right for the parentalité for the persons transgenres.

The obtaining of a new registry office must be possible " without imposing either sterilisation, or surgical compulsory, real réassignation reached the intimate integrity of their body ", adds Inter-LGBT.

The fight against the transphobie was chosen as subject of this day against the homophobie, and in this occasion, a group of personalities of the politics, the arts and the letters or the medicine publishes a stand in the every day life "Le Monde" dated on Sunday-Monday. Among the signers, the first secretary of the PS Martine Aubry, the green eurorepresentative Daniel Cohn-Bendit, philosopher Elisabeth Badinter, the mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë, or still the Nobel prizes Elfriede Jelinek ( literature) or Luc Montagnier (Medicine).

The signers regret the murders of transexuels, " victims of crimes of hatred, prejudices and discriminations ", as well as their "scoffed" rights, and call the OMS, the United Nations and States to take measures and " in to refuse the transphobie ". AP


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